
Hedge of Thorns Prayer for Unfaithful, Wayward, Mislead, Deserter Spouse


(The hedge of thorns prayer is a daily prayer that is used to “build a hedge of thorns” around your unfaithful, wayward,mislead, deserter spouse, protecting her/him against evil influences, for their salvation, for protection and restoration of the Holy covenant of marriage made before God between and for unison of husband and wife. 

1. Salvation - This prayer can be used only by a Christian. 
2. Victory over sin - God warns that if there is sin in our hearts, He will not hear us. 
3. Forgiveness - First ask God and your partner for forgiveness from the blame and hurts of your past failures. 
4. Covenant - This prayer should only be prayed for people with whom you have a biblical covenant relationship such as husband or wife. This prayer should NOT be prayed for your boyfriend ,girlfriend or anyone whom you have feelings for that is NOT your spouse. That would be considered witchcraft because you are not in a covenant relationship with that person.)

Heavenly Father, I ask You to rebuke and bind satan
in the name and through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I ask you to build a “hedge of thorns” around my (wife / husband), so that 
anyone, anything with wrong influence will lose interest in (her / him) and leave. 

I base this prayer on the command of Your Word which states, 
“No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together.”

Father God, Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen

3 things will begin to happen when you pray a “hedge of thorns” around your wayward spouse: 
  1. Your spouse will become confused and lose direction. “So I am going to fence her in with thorn bushes and build a wall to block her way” Hosea 2:6 (GNT)
  2. Any other “lovers” or "influencers" will lose interest and leave. “She will run after her lovers but will not catch them. She will look for them but will not find them.” Hosea 2:7a (GNT
  3. Troubles will motivate your spouse to return. “I am going back to my first husband—I was better off then than I am now.”

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