
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - Miracle Novena of 9 days

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O Mother of Perpetual Help, behold me a miserable sinner at thy feet; I have recourse to thee and put my trust in thee. O Mother of Mercy have pity upon me. I hear thee called by all the refuge and the hope of sinners, be then my refuge and my hope. Help me for the love of Jesus Christ; stretch forth thy hand to me, who recommend and dedicate myself to thee as thy perpetual servant. I bless and thank GOD for having in His mercy given to me this confidence in thee, the pledge as I believe of my eternal salvation. Alas! Too often in past times have I miserably fallen, because I had not recourse to thee! I know that with thy help I shall conquer. I know that thou will help me if I recommend myself to thee; but i fear lest in the occasions of falling I should cease to call upon thee and so should lose my soul. This, then, is the grace I seek from thee; and I implore thee, as far as I know how and can, to obtain it for me; namely, in the assaults of hell always to have recourse to thee and to say to thee: O Mary help me; Mother of Perpetual Help, suffer me not to lose my God.

(Say 3 Hail Mary's to obtain the special favours you seek)
 -- then: -- 

Holy Mary, succour the miserable, help the faint hearted, cheer those that weep, pray for the people be the advocate of the clergy, intercede for all devout woman; let all feel thine aid who implore thy perpetual help.

V. Thou has been for us, Our Lady, a refuge.
R. A helper in needs and tribulation.

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, who hast given us Thy most Blessed Mother, whose wondrous image we venerate, to be our Mother,ever ready to succour us, grant we beseech thee, that we,who earnestly imploreher maternal aid,may deserve to enjoy perpetually the fruit of Thy eternal Redemption; Who live and reigns, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit; world without end. Amen.

The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.Amen.

(Say this complete novena for 9 consecutive days with the faith of receiving the good grace of a miracle & promise to acknowledge the prayers answered by posting the thanksgiving in the comment section below.)

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  1. Pray dimple repent n be a responsible mother.Pray dimple will never go back to india.Pray dimple will never leave her childrens anymimore dhinisha harsitha kavesh.Pray dimple realused her mistakes n repent.Lord restore dimple dhinisha harsitha kavesh forever.Lord i know you wll not allow the devil to destroy this family.Bless them n they need peave love happiness in jesus name.Restore the four pf them n no onecan seperate them.anymore.Thankyou

  2. Mother of Perpetual Help, I thank thee for miracle of saving my daughter from the cult and helping her pass her exams. I come to you Mother seeking another miracle for my other daughter. Please come to her rescue, lift her spirit and give her the focus and motivation to complete her degree. Please restore her relationship with her me I pray to you Mother. Heal her of all the wounds and work a miracle in her life.

  3. Mother of Perpetual Succor save my brother David Sam baby amma my sil my Allan n me n all of us from this pandemic ...pls keep my brothers job safe n give him good health pls help my Sam to study his 12th Science n pass the class.pls gv my mom good health n let there be peace in d fly...pls let Jimnas heart change fr me ...bless my mummy aunty n fly Rosy aunty n fly joja mama n fly Charlie anna n fly n all d poor n down trodden ..lift them up Ma n save them...the meek weak humble ,the drs nurses ,care takers bmc n all other us all from this pandemoc which vl peak on 30th of junen let it come dwn nvanish forever...Mama Mary thank you for all ur graces u showered on us through Jesus.Amen

  4. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, I was worried that my academic path would be disrupted by the many difficulties that I went through. when I did this Novena, you gave me the assurance through your son Jesus that all my troubles will soon be over, and that I would graduate without any problem. You also asked me to simply focus on Jesus' love for me and believe in the almighty power. Thank you my dearest mother, for making me better aware of Jesus and his love for me. My troubles simply vanished, I graduated. I have made my loved ones proud. Thank you for your powerful prayers dear mother; please always hold my hand, and be with me

  5. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, thank you for helping my father in law and the family to receive the money for the property that they have been fighting for, for many years. Thank you dear mother for your prayers.

  6. Thank you dear Mother for helping our family friends to accept my invitation. Thank you for not letting me down. I love you my dear Mother Mary

  7. Thankyou mother mary help us in this hour of need...we trust you and have faith in you that our prayers wl be granted.🙏🙏

  8. Mother of Perpetual Help, I Thank you for being with my mother in her difficult times and helping her to be able to sit and walk a little. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding to your Son Jesus. Always be with my mother holding her hand.I love you Mother Mary.

  9. O Holy Mother. I thank you for answering my prayer to help Nigel financially in these testing times. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding to your Son Jesus and listening to my cry. I am truly sorry for at times when I did not trust you completely dear Mother, during these nine days of the novena. But you as a loving Mother came to my aid. Blessed are You among women. I praise and thank you dear Mother. Amen.

  10. O Mother of Perpetual help, I thank you for your Grace and helping me in my troubles. I Thank you for interceding for me to your Son Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father. Please grant me wisdom and strength.

  11. Mother of Perpetual Succour. For 9 days I prayed for removing the obstacles in the progression of my Son's studies. On the 10th day today, a call has come calling him for discussion. I now pray fervently that the discussion will remove the obstacles and shall clear his path for his progression. I shall remain eternally grateful for your divine intervention O Mother of Perpetual Succour.

  12. Our Lady Of Perpetual Help i thank you so much for helping me to study for my exams and also for being by my side during exams. I thank u for interceding for me to God and for always helping me in difficult situations.

  13. Our Lady of Perpetual Help I have prayed to you for nine days to help my husband with his addiction, today the ninth day he has promised me he is finished with it. I thank you and continue to pray to you for his recovery.

  14. Our Lady of Perpetual Help I have prayed to you to help my husband with his addiction and to help him to return to his faith . I thank you and continue to pray to you

  15. Mother Mary, Bless you in abundance, thank you for interceding and praying for me, and hold me in your arms with favor and mercy to all my requests for me and family.

  16. Our Lady, ever since i was a kid, you've revealed your power to me and have been the pillar of my faith since, please grant my intentions, i have unshakeable faith in you mother, please grant me this; the biggest favor and the prayer of my life, i humble myself before you and love you with my entire heart, please grant me my wishes, thank you mother.

  17. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, I asked you to help my husband to overcome his addiction, please hear my prayer for your help in this, I have seen him turn the corner so many times and then turn back again I humble beech you to hear my prayer and come to his aid. Thank you Mother

  18. Mother of perpetual soccer please pray for love, peace, unity and tranquility in this world and our families thank you mother

  19. Mother of perpetual help please pray for love happiness and joy in all our families, I love you mother

  20. O Mother of Perpetual Help my husband with his addiction as it cause so much stress and pain to me and my family, when he lashes out in anger, please let him see that he needs to get help, cast out the darkness that manifest it self when he is in the throes of addiction

  21. O Mother of Perpetual Succour, thank you for interceding and praying for my intention for my daughter to pass her exam. We thank you and bless this family.

  22. Thank you Mother of Perpetual Succour for favours granted. May I trust in you for further assistance.

  23. Thank you Our Lady for through you intercession my father got the breakthrough I was praying for. Thank you so much

  24. Thank you mother for favours granted. Please take care of my family and bless us.

  25. Mother of Perpetual succour, again I prayed for my daughters exam & she cleared the paper through your intercession. We thank you mother. Please bless our family & protect us from all evil.

  26. Thank you, Holy Mother. I place my trust in Thee.

  27. Thank you, again, Holy Mother.

  28. My mother of Perpetual help am praying in confidence ,believing you will help my daughter Judy Rita n her cousin Susan pass their have never failed I trust in your prayers and I believe am already answered. Amen

  29. Thank you for another favour granted.
