
A Prayer Against Worry


O God, you are the God of peace and I am a worrier.
Take away my worry and give me some of your peace.
Help me not to waste my time worrying about things
of which there is nothing to be done.
But help me to accept them and to make the best of them
and to overcome them.

Help me not to worry about things which I myself can mend 
but to do something about them, even if it means a great effort,
and even if it means that which is still more difficult - the 
confessing of my error and the humbling of my pride.

Help me tonight to sleep in peace, and to waken a sinner,
help me to know and remember that I am a FORGIVEN sinner.

(This prayer has given me immense peace and to this date is my defense and relief against stress, anxiety, depression, sadness and confusion. Thanks be to God for saving me from wreckless regard for my own life and that of others.)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declared the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8,9

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